The Four Pillars of the American Legion

Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation

No veteran goes away without full measure of service.

National Security

The American Legion believes national security must be maintained to fulfill the mandate for a strong national defense.


Youth activity programs of The American Legion are designed to stimulate physical, mental and moral growth; cultivate strong character and wholesome ideals with appreciation for our heritage of freedom; and develop a devotion to civic responsibility.

Post 904 won the Americanism Award for the Most Outstanding Post in the Fifth District in 2023.

Children & Youth

The American Legion has been a strong advocate for children and youth since its inception. This steadfast dedication has never wavered and continues to be a driving force on behalf of children across the country today.

Post 904 won the Children and Youth Award for the Most Outstanding Post in the 5th District in 2023.

Learn About the Four Pillars

You can learn about the Four Pillars, and the Legion in general, in person or online. Our Adjutant Dean Erck serves as an instructor at the American College of NY in Morrisville, NY. The Legion College fosters leadership skills of Legion Family members as they work in teams to solve problems they may face in their home post, unit, squadron or chapter. The curriculum covers an array of topics, such as leadership and communication; Americanism, children and youth;; legislation; constitution and bylaws; duties of local officers; media relations; membership.

Post 904 members who are alumni of the college include Adjutant Dean Erck (who also serves as an instructor in Legislation and Resolutions), 1st Vice Commander Scott Diange;  2nd Vice Commander Phil Hunter; Historian Doug Side; Chaplain Linda Schnittger; Judge Advocate/ SAL advisor Dennis Cook; Paul Sherbino and Auxiliary member Cheri Vanbrocklin.

The college is open to Legion, SAL, Auxillary and Legion Rider members.

Click here to learn more and apply.

You can get basic training about the Legion online at the Legion’s Education Institute.