Leonard was a 1932 graduate of Redwood High school. He enlisted in the Army Air Corp in 1939 and served several months as a radio technician in the Panama Canal Zone. During World War II he was transferred to the Antilles Air Command air base in Trinidad, West Indies serving as a radio flight operator with a bombardment squadron. He received the Air Medal, Oak Leaf Cluster, Good Conduct Medal, American Theater Ribbon, National Defense or pre-Pearl Harbor Ribbon with a star for service overseas before Pearl Harbor and combat wings.
He married Vera Gaston Johnston of Port of Spain, Trinidad and returned to the states following the war where he purchased and operated a farm on Bailey Settlement Road for 20 years. They moved to the village in 1968 and resided at 23 Bolton Ave.
Leonard was a long time member of the American Legion Post 904 where he served as Commander and Chaplain.